I know it's been a long time since I've blogged! So much has happened in my life, it's been difficult to keep everyone up to date. I have so much to tell everyone....where do I begin? I know! I'll make a list of some of my milestones:
- I don't drive my parents crazy & sleep deprived anymore :) I actually started sleeping through the night at about 3 months old. I know my parents like this one :) This is a picture of me when I was a few months old.
- As you can see in the picture, I love to sit on my own now too
- I even have two little teeth :) If you look carefully you can see them.
- I haven't started crawling yet though.... I think I might go straight to walking. I love trying to stand up on my own. I still haven't made up my mind on the whole crawling thing yet. We'll see.
- I now have started to eat "real" food. I'm truly "baby gohan" in the making. My first food is rice cereal :)
- When I was first born I weighed 7lbs 4oz and I now have grown to 20lbs! My how I have grown (^_^)
This whole journey of my life so far has truly been a whirl wind. I've been cherishing every moment and I've been trying to absorb everything around me. Everyday provides me with yet another life experience full with different colors, sounds, scents, and emotions. Each and everyday I am surrounded with the love from my family and can't help but smile at my life! Life is truly awesome!