Hello everybody! Long time no talk. Well, to catch everybody up with how I'm coming along.... I'm doing great! According to a lot of different websites I think I weigh about a pound or so. I really don't know, all I know is that I keep on growing! Since we last talked, my mommy and daddy have now both felt me kick. I think they were both pretty excited to know that I was alive and kicking (literally). I don't see what all the fuss is about...I'm just moving my little legs and arms around to stretch....what's the big deal?
Well to mark this momentous occasion of having a baby and also to celebrate their 2 year wedding anniversary, my daddy planned a "babymoon" to Maui. I think they both needed to get away. I think they were getting a little stressed out with life and all. So we were off to Maui and I journeyed on my first airplane ride across the Pacific and landed in paradise. I'm keeping my tiny fingers crossed that this won't be the last time. Please mommy and daddy!
The babymoon couldn't have come at a more opportune time. Mommy and daddy just spent the last few weeks moving to a new place and that wore them out thoroughly. This trip was truly a much needed rest especially for my mommy. So basically, all my mommy and daddy did was relax and enjoy the views. Although, we did wake up early one morning (2:30AM) to trek up to the summit of Haleakala Crater to see the sunrise. It was freezing up there! Me and mommy spent a lot of the time waiting in the car wrapped up in a blanket to keep warm, while daddy was outside taking pictures and saving a spot for us :) Other than that we just laid out at the beach or pool and ate really well. Check my daddy's other blog
Mr. Gohan for updates on our meals in Maui. I think he will post them in a couple of weeks, he takes a long time to write those things :) So that's about it. I'll talk to you guys in a few weeks. Mommy is approaching the third trimester soon!
Sun Bathing

There I am basking in the sun at Makena Beach. This beach was absolutely beautiful.My mommy had to go buy that swim shirt and cover up because she was getting sun burnt and she didn't want me to fry up.
My first dip in the Ocean!

This was the first time I got to experience the flow of the ocean waves. I loved it! I hope that my mom and dad aren't overly protective when I get older and allow me to scuba dive with them and the rest of the family.
My First Sunrise

There's mommy and daddy at the summit of Haleakala taking in the breathtaking views that mother nature had to offer. Do you see how my mommy is all wrapped up with that blanket? It was freezing up there. It was 4o degrees. Good thing my mommy took the blanket from the hotel and was prepared. I'm sure the hotel didn't appreciate us taking the blankets up there though :) Well, I appreciated it and that's what counts. I got to experience my first sunrise (kind of). From my vantage point inside my mommy's tummy it was actually pretty dark :)